Sixth Form
Sixth form will allow you to develop your independence while also being part of the nurturing environment of the school. You will receive extensive careers advice to help you with your next steps, whether that is university or employment.
Our school motto is Respect, Pride, Aspire. We are very passionate about being an inclusive sixth form promoting and valuing respect and acceptance in our diverse community. Our sixth formers are supported in all aspects of academic and pastoral life and in fulfilling their extra-curricular interests.
The sixth form study programme consists of 3 A-Level or level 3 BTEC qualifications, Work Experience and the Gospel Oak Distinctiveness Programme. The Distinctiveness Programme aims to develop opportunities for students to give something back by being active members of the school and wider community. This may be through volunteering or developing a physical or creative skill to pass on to others. As part of this, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is offered along with the opportunity to be part of the Combined Cadet Force, various sports teams and performing arts opportunities.
All A-Level and Level 3 BTEC courses are taught by subject specialists who are all extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their respective subjects and careers that these subjects lead on to.
The combination of academic and personal development opportunities ensures our students leave us at the end of year 13 with clear direction for their post 18 pathways and the skill set to be successful. We drive to instil the belief in our students that there is no limit to what they can achieve and what future careers they can pursue. We want everyone to be the very best they can be!
Mr Bala – Head of Sixth Form
Student Leadership
Within sixth form there is the opportunity to be part of the Student Leadership Team, which has gone from strength to strength with our Head Students, Deputy Head Students and prefects working hard to ensure students across the school have a voice. Our Community Action Groups promote equality and diversity, charity events, environmental issues as well as sports leadership and these are all lead by our sixth form students.
Eco Committee - Cody Smith
Student Voice - Varni Jain
Charity Committee - Piya Duggal
Social Media - Jess Komora
GCSE Resits
We understand that gaining GCSE English and Mathematics grades above a grade 4 is extremely difficult for some students. We do not let this stand in their way of accessing appropriate courses in sixth form. GCSE Mathematics and English Language resits are timetabled for those needing an extra attempt at the qualifications and there are 2 lessons per week dedicated to supporting those students that did not gain a grade 4 in year 11 with a tailored curriculum to address misconceptions.
Directed Study
All sixth form students have a minimum of 4 directed study sessions each week. These sessions are designed for students to complete learning tasks set by subject staff to prepare for their next lesson in advance. This method of ‘flipped-learning’ has proven effective in developing the knowledge and understanding needed for challenging A-Level and Level 3 BTEC courses.
Attendance & Punctuality
Gospel Oak School takes attendance in the sixth form very seriously and we acknowledge that good school attendance plays an essential part in academic development for post 16 students. All post 16 courses are intensive and students cannot afford to miss valuable teaching and study time.
Sixth form students should strive to achieve consistently good attendance as poor attendance will affect academic attainment. Students should therefore aim for at least 95% attendance for the year. An exemplary record of attendance says a huge amount about the student as a person; that they are dedicated, well-motivated, organised and someone who takes their responsibilities seriously. Good attendance also plays an important part when applying to higher education establishments or employment. Gospel Oak Sixth Form strives to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each member of the sixth form community feels wanted and secure. All school staff will work with students and their families to ensure each student attends sixth form regularly and punctually. The Sixth Form Team has a system of incentives and rewards which acknowledges the efforts of students to improve their attendance and timekeeping and will challenge the behaviour of those pupils and parents who give low priority to attendance and punctuality. To meet these objectives, Gospel Oak Sixth Form has an effective and efficient system of communication with students, parents and appropriate agencies to provide mutual information, advice and support.
We thank you in advance for your support with prioritising the importance of attendance and punctuality.
Curriculum Offer
Please find below an overview of our curriculum offer from 2025 – 26. Please click the link for each subject to find further information about individual courses.
A Levels
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Criminology
- English Language and Literature
- Geography
- History
- Law
- Maths
- Physics
- Art and Design: Three dimensional design
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
Grade requirements for individual subjects can be found here