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School Rules

Students should…

  1. Neither take part in or tolerate bullying nor any form of discrimination.
  2. Treat other members of the school community with respect.
  3. Be correctly dressed in the school uniform.
  4. Be on time to school and all lessons.
  5. Walk on the left along corridors and on stairs.
  6. Behave in lesson time
  • Always follow the teacher’s (or other member of staff’s) instructions.
  • Wait until you are invited to speak in the classroom and not shout answers out.
  • Respect the teacher’s and other students’ contributions and not talk while others are giving feedback.
  • Ensure the classroom is an orderly environment to learn in and not get out of your seat, unless you have been given permission to do so.
  1. Bring the correct stationery and equipment to all lessons.
  2. Remain on the school premises throughout break and lunch times.
  3. Only eat food in the designated areas.
  4. Stay ‘in bounds’ during break and lunch times.
  5. Follow school rules regarding mobile phones.
  6. Not bring in prohibited Items. For example:
  • Chewing gum
  • Energy drinks
  • Matches
  • Lighters
  • Cigarettes
  • Electronic cigarettes (also known as ‘e-cigarettes’ or ‘e-lites’ or ‘vapes’)
  • Illegal substances
  • Weapons

Contact Us

Gospel Oak School,
Bilston Road,

0121 556 1351